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Many insurance companies promise to save you a certain percentage on your insurance when you get a quote from them. But working with an independent insurance agent can offer more than just saving you 15% on your policy. Here are top 4 reasons to work with an independent insurance agent:

1. Personalized Customer Service – Most major insurance companies have an automated directory that you must first go through when you call their customer service line. This can add on the time and effort it takes to do things like reporting a claim, making a payment, or simply asking a question. Working with an independent insurance agent will provide you with personalized, direct service. You will always be able to directly reach your agent. Instead of talking to a different person every time you call, you will get help from the same person who knows your policies and knows you.

 2. Personalized Options – An independent insurance agent is able to review many different insurance companies for the best policies that will meet your needs for the right price. Your insurance agent will be able to handle your coverage, assist you with claims and any concerns you may have. At no additional cost, an independent insurance agent will personally shop policies for you and advocate on your behalf.

 3. “All in One Pot” – Independent insurance agents can take care of all your insurance needs at once. Rather than dealing with multiple agents and multiple agencies, you can save time by having your auto, flood, home and health insurance policies all handled by the same agent. And if you are a business owner, you can also opt for commercial insurance coverage from the same place that insures your personal policies.

 4. Working with a Local – Typically, an independent insurance agent is local to the area you are in. Not only can it be rewarding to see your agent support your community, but they also have valuable knowledge about the city you live in. They can use their expertise to help you protect your assets by reducing certain risks.

 Above all, independent insurance agents provide their clients with peace of mind. You can know that your agent will do the work to find you the best policies that not only fit your needs but also save you money. Mel Leveque, with Apron Agencies, will put your interests first and help you feel confident in the protection you choose for your home, business, and family. “Like momma in the kitchen, we got you covered.” Call (504) 416-0237 or visit us online at apronagenices.com to learn more!



How insurance premiums are determined can vary from insurance company to insurance company, however, most companies will implement the following when deciding what to charge you for your home insurance.

  1. Location - Insurance companies will take into consideration the crime rate in your

  2. Neighborhood, how near your house is to the fire station, and the chance for "act of God “claims.

  3. Type of construction - whether your house is made of wood, stucco siding, brick, or stone.

  4. When your home was built - new homes usually qualify for reduced cost.

  5. Amount of coverage - the amount of coverage you purchase on your home, the contents of the home, and the liability limit will be factors in the price of your policy.

  6. How is your Homeowners Premium Determined?

  7. Loss assessment - how your policy will pay for your home in the occurrence of a claim, whether it will pay the actual cash value or the amount it costs to replace the contents lost.

  8. Deductible - how much of a loss you are willing to pay before your coverage starts. If you have a mortgage on your home, the maximum amount of your deductible will often be set by your lender.

Click here to receive your homeowners quote!

It’s more important than ever to prepare for any risks from hurricanes, floods and other disasters. Here are some ways to prepare in advance:

- Learn what types of disaster are most likely to affect your business. 
- Look over your insurance policies to see if there are any gaps in coverage. For example, some policies only provide coverage if a business is physically damaged.
- Plan ahead for what your business will do if a disaster forces it to close for an extended period.

Call us today at (504) 416-0237 or visit www.apronagencies.com.

Apron Agencies, "Like momma in the kitchen, we've got you covered."