/Medicare’s Open Enrollment is happening now running from October 15 through December 7.
If you’re age 65 or older and are eligible for Medicare, don’t miss this opportunity to choose your coverage or make any corrections to your previous Medicare elections. Now is also the time to upgrade your coverage for 2020 and potentially save money.
If you’re Medicare-eligible, your mailbox will likely be filled in the upcoming weeks with suggestions for policies to supplement your Medicare coverage. You may not think you need a medical insurance policy to supplement Medicare, think again. Medicare has substantial deductibles and copayments. It also doesn’t cover services commonly covered by many medical insurance plans.
As a result, a Medicare Supplement Plan which pays for Original Medicare’s deductibles and copayments or a Medicare Advantage Plan, which delivers integrated health care in a managed care environment are available. Both types of coverage have their pros and cons. Do extensive research to see which type of policy might work best for you.
Are you spending a significant amount of money on prescription drugs or think you will be? If so, it’s a good idea to compare your current or potential Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan to other policies.
During Open Enrollment, you can switch your Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D Prescription Drug Plan. If you want to switch to a new Medicare Supplement Plan, in most states, you might need to satisfy medical underwriting.
Get prepared by letting us do an insurance check-up on your Medicare coverage. Call us today at 504-834-9280.