It’s the start of a new year.  A great time to review and evaluate your homeowners and other insurance policies. 

Did you know?  There are two kinds of wind damage deductibles for your home:

1)        Hurricane deductibles which apply to damage solely from hurricanes.

2)       Windstorm or wind/hail deductibles, which apply to any kind of wind damage.

 Percentage deductibles typically vary from 1 percent of a home's insured value to 5 percent. In some coastal areas with high wind risk, hurricane deductibles may be higher. The amount that the homeowner will pay depends on the home's insured value and the "trigger" selected by the insurance company, which determines under what circumstances the deductible applies.

In some states, policyholders may have the option of paying a higher premium in return for a traditional dollar deductible, depending on how close to the shore they live. In some high-risk coastal areas, insurers may not give policyholders this option, making the percentage deductible mandatory.

There are three deductibles for homeowners policies related to wind damage: hurricane, named storm and windstorm and hail.  Named storm deductibles are activated when the National Hurricane Center reports that a storm reached tropical storm strength when winds reach 39 miles per hour (mph).  Hurricane deductibles are activated when the National Hurricane Center reports that a tropical storm reached hurricane strength, at 74 mph.  Windstorm and hail deductibles are used when homes sustain damage from winds from any source: hurricanes and tropical storms, tornadoes, or other storms.

Insurers generally cannot increase the named storm or hurricane deductible on homeowners insurance policies that have been in effect for more than three years. Insurers cannot impose more than one named storm or hurricane deductible per hurricane season.

State regulations mandate that homeowners may be eligible for premium discounts if they build or retrofit their home to comply with the state’s construction code or install mitigation or retrofitting improvements that are known to reduce loss from a windstorm or hurricane.

Make 2020 the best year yet by being prepared for the unexpected.  We can help you by completing an insurance check-up on your home. Call us today at 504-834-9280.



Did You Know?

One of the most common homeowner's insurance claims is completely preventable? It’s not fires or theft; it’s water damage. This is not damage due to flooding, heavy rainstorms or snow on the roof – rather, it’s due to simple maintenance tasks that are often ignored or go unnoticed.


1.        Check hoses for kinks and cracks when you do laundry, and replace your washing machine hose every five years with a high-pressure hose. At a cost of less than $10, it’s an inexpensive way to ward off costly problems.

2.       Check for signs of leakage by inspecting the floor near your water heater and other appliances. Hire a licensed technician to periodically inspect appliances, and replace a water heater that is more than 10 years old.

3.       Check Inspect the refrigerator, dishwasher and outdoor faucets for leaks and crimps.

4.       Place a tub under your kitchen sink to catch leaks before they start.

5.        If you move your refrigerator to clean the floor, do not overextend the icemaker line. Call a licensed technician if you see signs of moisture or brittleness.

We’re here to help with all your home matters. Contact us today at (504) 416-0237, and let us know how we can assist you.

Prevention Pays

How does water damage occur? It’s simple: homeowners fail to check the connection between the water line and their washing machine or other similar appliances. Eventually, the connection fails, and water leaks into the home until someone discovers the mess.

Do a quick check of all your water lines from time to time, especially in low-traffic areas of the home. If you notice anything suspicious, contact a licensed professional to come take a look immediately.

Call us for your free household insurance check up and let us get you the best coverage at the best price!


"Like momma in the kitchen, we've got you covered." Apron Agencies, LLC

This flyer is for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. © 2008 – 2010, 2013, 2016 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


Medicare’s Open Enrollment is happening now running from October 15 through December 7.

If you’re age 65 or older and are eligible for Medicare, don’t miss this opportunity to choose your coverage or make any corrections to your previous Medicare elections.  Now is also the time to upgrade your coverage for 2020 and potentially save money.

If you’re Medicare-eligible, your mailbox will likely be filled in the upcoming weeks with suggestions for policies to supplement your Medicare coverage.  You may not think you need a medical insurance policy to supplement Medicare, think again.  Medicare has substantial deductibles and copayments.  It also doesn’t cover services commonly covered by many medical insurance plans.

As a result, a Medicare Supplement Plan which pays for Original Medicare’s deductibles and copayments or a Medicare Advantage Plan, which delivers integrated health care in a managed care environment are available.  Both types of coverage have their pros and cons.  Do extensive research to see which type of policy might work best for you.

Are you spending a significant amount of money on prescription drugs or think you will be?  If so, it’s a good idea to compare your current or potential Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan to other policies.

During Open Enrollment, you can switch your Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D Prescription Drug Plan.  If you want to switch to a new Medicare Supplement Plan, in most states, you might need to satisfy medical underwriting.

Get prepared by letting us do an insurance check-up on your Medicare coverage. Call us today at 504-834-9280.


10 Cyber Security Resolutions to Reduce Your Data Exposures

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Cyber security threats and trends can change year over year as technology continues to advance at alarming speeds.  It’s critical for organizations to reassess their data protection practices at the start of each new year and make achievable cyber security resolutions to help protect themselves from costly breaches.

 The following are resolutions your company can implement to ensure you don’t become the victim of a cyber-crime:

  1.      Provide security training—Employees are your first line of defense when it comes to cyber threats. Even the most robust and expensive data protection solutions can be compromised should an employee click a malicious link or download fraudulent software. It’s critical for organizations to thoroughly train personnel on common cyber threats and how to respond. Employees should understand the dangers of visiting harmful websites, leaving their devices unattended and oversharing personal information on social media. Your employees should also know your cyber security policies and know how to report suspicious activity.

2.      Install strong anti-virus software and keep it updated—Outside of training your employees on the dangers of poor cyber security practices, strong anti-virus software is one of the best ways to protect your data. Organizations should conduct thorough research to choose software that’s best for their needs. Once installed, anti-virus programs should be kept up to date.

3.      Instill safe web browsing practices—Deceptive and malicious websites can easily infect your network, often leading to more serious cyber attacks. To protect your organization, employees should be trained on proper web usage and instructed to only interact with secured websites. For further protection, companies should consider blocking known threats and potentially malicious webpages outright.

4.      Create strong password policies—Ongoing password management can help prevent unauthorized attackers from compromising your organization’s password-protected information. Effective password management protects the integrity, availability and confidentiality of an organization’s passwords. Above all, you’ll want to create a password policy that specifies all of the organization’s requirements related to password management. This policy should require employees to change their password on a regular basis, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts and use special characters in their password.

5.      Use multi-factor authentication—While complex passwords can help deter cyber criminals, they can still be cracked. To further prevent cyber criminals from gaining access to employee accounts, multi-factor authentication is key. Multi-factor authentication adds a layer of security that allows companies to protect against compromised credentials. Through this method, users must confirm their identity by providing extra information (e.g., a phone number, unique security code) when attempting to access corporate applications, networks and servers.

6.      Get vulnerability assessments—The best way to evaluate your company’s data exposures is through a vulnerability assessment. Using a system of simulated attacks and stress tests, vulnerability assessments can help you uncover entry points into your system. Following these tests, security experts compile their findings and provide recommendations for improving network and data safety.

7.      Patch systems regularly and keep them updated—A common way cyber criminals gain entry into your system is by exploiting software vulnerabilities. To prevent this, it’s critical that you update applications, operating systems, security software and firmware on a regular basis.

8.      Back up your data—In the event that your system is compromised, it’s important to keep backup files. Failing to do so can result in the loss of critical business or proprietary data.

9.      Understand phishing threats and how to respond—In broad terms, phishing is a method cyber criminals use to gather personal information. In these scams, phishers send an email or direct users to fraudulent websites, asking victims to provide sensitive information. These emails and websites are designed to look legitimate and trick individuals into providing credit card numbers, account numbers, passwords, usernames or other sensitive information. Phishing is becoming more sophisticated by the day, and it’s more important than ever to understand the different types of attacks, how to identify them and preventive measures you can implement to keep your organization safe. As such, it’s critical to train employees on common phishing scams and other cyber security concerns. Provide real-world examples during training to help them better understand what to look for.

10.  Create an incident response plan—Most organizations have some form of data protection in place. While these protections are critical for minimizing the damages caused by a breach, they don’t provide clear action steps following an attack. That’s where cyber incident response plans can help. While cyber security programs help secure an organization’s digital assets, cyber incident response plans provide clear steps for companies to follow when a cyber event occurs. Response plans allow organizations to notify impacted customers and partners quickly and efficiently, limiting financial and reputational damages.

 One of the best ways for businesses to protect themselves against cyber exposures is with proper insurance. However, cyber liability insurance policies do not offer one-size-fits-all protection, and businesses need to keep some considerations in mind if they are to secure the right coverage.

Cyber insurance can be complex, and it’s critical to work with a qualified insurance broker. To learn more about your options, contact Apron Agencies, LLC. today at 504-834-9280


Your home may be the biggest purchase you will ever make and is your most valuable asset!

If you own a home or rental property in Louisiana, you need a local insurance agent who will ensure you are fully covered and be there for you when you have damage and need to file a claim. 

At Apron Agencies, LLC, we will help you find the right fit for your needs while providing you with quality service and affordable pricing. At Apron Agencies, LLC, we have access to many top rated companies and we can find you the best fit at a fair price. 

 We will quickly compare your coverage to ensure that you have the best policy for the most competitive rate. At the same time, we will review your coverage to ensure you won't have any gaps in coverage down the road.

Call Apron Agencies, today and we will show you how we can save you money! (504) 416-0237. 

"Like momma in the kitchen, we got you covered."